Awaken Your Priestess Powers - Online Introductory Course to Empowering Your Divine Feminine by Master Teacher Tiffany Tin

Let's Awaken Your Priestess Powers Now

Every family needs a healer, it has always been like this since our ancestral ways.

You already know there is a powerful divine feminine energy in you. And you are ready for the world to know it too.

How would your life change if you could communicate with the Higher Realm with confidence, consistency and clarity? Because right now, the messages come and go and you are not 100% sure how to get messages at will or when you really need it.

You're starting to realize you don't just want a mundane life, but an extraordinary one that makes you feel like a Goddess on Fire wherever you go.

Mother Earth 🌎 is Ascending and She is calling her Priestesses to Rise Now.

A priestess is a channel, medium and healer who works with Source to expand consciouness, empowering others through communicating with the Higher Realms.

Many spiritual women like yourself are intuitive empaths, highly sensitive to energy and want to make a difference in the world.

Just like we have done in our past lives, in Lemuria, Atlantis, Sirius, Avalon, and beyond. 

It feels very fulfilling to you when you are able to help people.

Your multidimensional wisdom is coming in stronger than ever now, you are getting more signs from the universe like seeing 11:11 and 144 everywhere you go.

You are feeling a strong pull from your higher self to connect deeper with your spiritual abilities, such as energy healing, reading past lives, channel messages with guides, light language, light codes and much more.

There is no doubt in your heart that it's time to manifest your soul purpose here as a powerful high vibrational woman.

Sound like just what you need?

Here’s what you get when you sign up:

> Find your path as a Priestess by embodying the 6 Divine Feminine Archetypes (Divine Mother, Sacred Lover, High Priestess, Warrior Woman, Wild Woman, Empowered Empress)

> Build a Powerful Priestess Altar aligned to your intentions (Wealth, Health, Relationships, Spiritual)

> How to Prepare for Channelling by activating your Spiritual Powers

> The Differences between Spiritual, Astral and Energetic Protection - And how to strengthen each of these areas.

> Access your Akashic Records to Activate more Gifts and Abilities for healing, light body activations and much more

> Facilitate healing using Light Codes such as the Golden Phoenix, Pink Magdelene Rose

> Activate your Light Language to Open and Heal an Energy Center, such as the Heart Chakra

Begin Awakening Your Priestess Powers Today!