Life Purpose Fulfillment

Transform people's lives with your spiritual gifts and wisdom

Receive Divine Abundance

High Vibrational Income, Career Opportunities, Collaborations with Driven Lightworkers

Manifest Personal Power

Let channeling become a natural state of your being

Modalities you will Learn:

These are modalities designed to help people heal with depression, anxiety symptoms. Cleanse old relationships energies, heal ancestral trauma, heal any blockages using spiritual healing. 

You will receive healing for yourself, use these skills for your clients and down the road you can teach these skills to your students. 

  • The OCA Emotional Body Healing Technique
  • Inner Child Healing
  • Ego Alchemy
  • Soul Retrieval
  • Etheric Cord Cleanse or Removal
  • Aura Cleansing and Strengthening
  • Ancestral Healing
  • Akashic Records Integration

Enter a path of Service as a Master Soul Alchemist

Access Your Healing and Channelling Powers. Because the world needs the unique spiritual gifts that only you have.

With video classes, guided practices and mentorship, the support that you need to become a skillful and respected master healer is here in the Master Soul Alchemist Certification Program.

Our down to Earth, practical approach helped our students understand what and how to use their spiritual gifts in their own life and as a healer.

No more second guessing your soul purpose or your channeling abilities because this training is designed to help you gain tangible results from your channeling abilities.

In as little as 6 months from now, you will be facilitate powerful healing sessions, workshops and much more.

Channeling is a skill that anyone can learn, it is accessible to you too. What you need is some fine tuning and guidance for your potential to fully express itself. It’s time to rise as a Master Soul Alchemist powerfully now.

You strongly believe that manifesting and healing is possible for everyone, including yourself.

But right now you feel like you are hitting a plateau, even though you know that there is some untapped potential within you.

What you need now is grounded guidance, a successful mentor who can guide you and give you actionable steps along your path.

What are my gifts? How do I use them? I know I am here for a bigger purpose, so why am I laying in bed wondering, I sense and feel things but how do I do this on demand? How do I channel at will?

It’s time you dial in to your guides and channel with them when you need it.

When you learn how to channel and access higher information, such as light codes, messages and past lives memories. You are sitting at the same table as your guides, not running after them, not texting them wondering where are you guys right now when I need you?!

This is you, in your power, knowing and living in a divine partnership with the higher realm.

Being able to channel on demand, knowing how to ask for guidance and healing and what to do with these messages from your guides so you can practically integrate them into your life, for your own empowerment, and also for your clients, future students and even people in your social circle who are beginning to wake up.

‘It’s time to ascend. You are meant to be a healer, a teacher, a lighthouse for people!’ You already know this deep in your heart, you feel it, you know it.

You know it’s possible to create a life that aligns with your values, beliefs, purpose and abundance.

So for a moment, stop what you are doing and ask yourself, how would your life change if you could be a paid full time lightworker? Because right now, you’re not living your life the way you know it’s possible? Why? Because you have the HEART, the INTENT and the GENUINE urge to help people during this ascension time, you want to help people heal. You are not in this just for the money, you are a REAL HEART CENTERED LIGHTWORKER.

Why would a starseed, an lightworker like yourself come to this planet, if you are meant to just be stuck in the matrix? Of course not.

You are here to create something impactful, you are here to help humanity ascend by guiding and teaching them how to do their INNER WORK.

When you really tune into your heart, you know that you are a Healer. You've come to help this planet NOW.

You’re starting to realize that you don’t see yourself in your current job for the rest of your life.

Or maybe your current career is fine but you WANT SOMETHING MORE.

Imagine what it would be like to lead your own healing circles, teach your own meditation classes, have your clients genuinely thank you for changing their lives for the better.

Life just in every way, everyday, gets better and better.

When you see the successful, activated lightworkers out there, you KNOW it’s time your turn to join them in the ranks too.

You’ve reached the point where you KNOW this is possible for you, that clarion call your soul is yearning to experience through you can no longer be suppressed or denied. And there’s no better time than now.

You know thinking about it or planning it out by yourself hasn’t worked before. And you are ready to do whatever it takes to be a healer, and share your light with confidence.


  1. Entering the Temple
Available in days
days after you enroll
  2. Spiritual Foundations
Available in days
days after you enroll
  3. Path of the Master Soul Alchemist
Available in days
days after you enroll
  4. Archetype Activations with Ascended Masters
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Practical Guidance
Available in days
days after you enroll
Available in days
days after you enroll

This course is closed for enrollment.

About Your Mentor

I am Tiffany, a renowned High Priestess and Master Teacher dedicated to guiding souls through the mystical journey of channeling. With over 8 years at the helm, my expertise spans the esoteric realms of light codes, light language, guides, akashic records, and energy healing. As the visionary behind New Earth Alchemists Academy and High Priestess Ascension Academy.

I've nurtured a global community of over 1000+ aspiring alchemists, helping each to unlock their own spiritual potential.

My passion is not only in teaching but in embodying the transformative power of spiritual alchemy. Certified in diverse holistic disciplines—from Reiki Master to Ayurvedic Consultant—I merge ancient wisdom with modern insights. My teachings have reached wide audiences, both through my 15,000+ Subscribers YouTube channel, with over 500k views, and by contributing to esteemed platforms and events in the spiritual sphere.

I am committed to catalyzing profound change in my students, inviting them to discover the alchemist within.