Student Agreement
Honour, Respect, Integrity are important values of Healer and Temple Keepers.
By being part of this journey, you are receiving highly sacred and valuable Temple Teachings, Energy Healing, Soul Healing and much more.
To safeguard the purity of the Temple, you hereby agree to keep this information for your personal use only.
The honour fee for this initiation is meant for One person only.
To be in honourable relationship with me, and in your integrity, I ask that in sharing anything that you have learned about Kuan Qi that you please credit me and this sacred temple.
In addition to naming me, please send people to my offerings rather than extracting from me and attempting to show up as the teacher.
Always honour and credit your teachers.
DISCLOSURE: This product is trademarked, copyrighted and tracked by AI. Your participation in this course grants you a limited license to use this product for personal purposes only. You may not distribute, sell, replicate, gift, donate, translate impersonate or infringe upon the course materials, including all images, audio and videos contained or expressed in this product to anyone without the explicit authorization of Tiffany Tin (High Priestess Ascension®). Violations will result in immediate termination of your access to all offerings permanently or legal actions.