High Priestess Ascension® Academy

Online Certification Training to Unleash Your Healing Abilities and Create an impactful Business as a Spiritual Healer

Dear Priestess,

It's time to Powerfully Access your Spiritual Gifts, create a thriving, impactful and fulfilling conscious career in alignment with your Soul’s Mission!

This is the year for you to live BOLDER, shine your LIGHT and say yes to upleveling your healing and channelling abilities!

Share your Divine Feminine Magic, Learn how to Use them to Serve your Clients at a deeper level to catalyze life changing transformations.

LIVE with passion, purpose and prosperity NOW, not next year, someday, one day or never.

Walk the priestess path and Rise as a PRIESTESS of LIGHT!

Enter a path of service as a High Priestess

The Premier High Priestess Training and Certification Program for Heart Centered Spiritual Women to Access Your Healing and Channelling Powers and Create a Fulfilling, Impactful and Successful Business.

Access your spiritual abilities with the most comprehensive priestess training online program available to you now. With self paced video classes, group practices and private mentorship, the support that you need to become a skillful and respected healer is here in the High Priestess Ascension® Academy.

Our down to Earth, practical approach helped our students understand what and how to use their spiritual gifts in their own life and as a healer. No more second guessing your soul purpose or your channeling abilities because the High Priestess Ascension Academy is designed to help you gain real results from your channeling abilities.

In as little as 6 months from now, you will be able to channel with spirit guides with confidence and clarity as a high priestess of light, all while helping other people communicate with their guides too. It’s a win-win situation for you, your clients and the spirit guides.

Channeling is a skill that anyone can learn, it is accessible to you too. What you need is some fine tuning and guidance for your potential to fully express itself. It’s time to rise as a priestess powerfully now.

Have you ever lay in bed at night watching spiritual youtube videos and wonder to yourself.. I wish I can channel spirit guides and share their messages verbally too!

You know manifesting and healing is possible for everyone, including yourself. But right now you can’t help but feel like you need some guidance, someone to hold your hand and give you that little boost that you need to get your spiritual confusion into a state of spiritual clarity.

What are my gifts? How do I use them? I know I am here for a bigger purpose, so why am I laying in bed wondering, I sense and feel things but how do I do this on demand? How do I channel at will?

It’s time you dial in to your guides and channel with them when you need it.

When you learn how to channel and access higher information, such as light codes, messages and past lives memories. You are sitting at the same table as your guides, not running after them, not texting them wondering where are you guys right now when I need you?!

This is you, in your power, knowing and living in a divine partnership with the higher realm.

Imagine being able to channel on demand, knowing how to ask for guidance and healing and what to do with these messages from your guides so you can practically integrate them into your life, for your own empowerment, and also for your clients, future students and even people in your social circle who are beginning to wake up.

Right now, it feels like you’re stuck somewhere between the 3rd and 5th dimensions. And this is not a good feeling, it’s like being a yo-yo, your higher self is pulling you upwards - ‘It’s time to ascend. You are meant to be a healer, a teacher, a lighthouse for people!’ You already know this deep in your heart, you feel it, you know it.

Come to think of it, when you think about what it would feel like to finally put down those less than perfect expectations of yourself, you can see your future self even clearer. But right now that feels so far away.

You know it’s possible to create a life that aligns with your values, beliefs, purpose and abundance. To have more flexibility when it comes to your schedule, work with coworkers, clients and students who are light workers just like yourself. But how do you get there?

What if you could wake up everyday excited to talk about spirituality, self healing, without needing to pretend who you are not in order to fit into the cold-soul sucking office vibes? You know what I’m saying? Most of us who are doing this full time are corporate dropouts :) At one point in my life I realized even though I wear brand name clothes and high heels like the other successful ladies in the corporate and clinics that I worked at, it felt like an empty shell… The day I left my corporate job, I felt so liberated. I wore simple makeup, soft cozy white long dresses and that was the day I started to reclaim my priestess status. It was the day I sent my higher self a text saying *ding ding* I’m here! Priestess reporting for duty!

So for a moment, stop what you are doing and ask yourself, how would your life change if you could be a paid full time lightworker? Because right now, you’re not living your life the way you know it’s possible? Why? Because you have the HEART, the INTENT and the GENUINE urge to help people during this ascension time, you want to help people heal. You are not in this just for the money, you are a REAL HEART CENTERED LIGHTWORKER.

Why would a starseed, an earth angel like yourself come to this planet, if you are meant to just be stuck in the matrix? Of course not. You are here to create something impactful, you are here to help humanity ascend by guiding and teaching them how to do their INNER WORK.

When you really tune into your heart, you know that you are a Healer. You've come to help this planet NOW.

You’re starting to realize that you don’t see yourself in your current job for the rest of your life. (Cold, ego filled corporate offices?)

Or maybe your current career is fine (being a teacher, a nurse, psychotherapist, massage therapist, etc) but you WANT SOMETHING MORE. (I know some of you are already doing energy healing on people and don’t even fully know it, so why keep it hidden? Branch out more, offer more modalities to your clients!)

You see a button ‘More options!” and you want to press it.

Lately, it’s becoming clearer than ever that we don’t have a lot of time left… ascension is happening now, time is going by faster and faster.

Deep down you feel like you are finally ready to give yourself a chance to experience what you can create for yourself, your family, in this life.

Imagine what it would be like to lead your own healing circles, teach your own meditation classes, have your clients genuinely thank you for changing their lives for the better.

Life just in every way, everyday, gets better and better.

When you see the successful, activated lightworkers out there, you KNOW it’s time your turn to shine.

You’ve reached the point where you KNOW this is possible for you priestess, that clarion call your soul is yearning to experience through you can no longer be suppressed or denied. And there’s no better time than now.

You know thinking about it or planning it out by yourself hasn’t worked before. And you are ready to do whatever it takes to be a healer, be a priestess and work your magic

Just like you, I have gone through so much trauma, and spent many years working on myself.

And through my own journey through hell and back, it become laser clear to me that my soul’s mission is to help Heart Centered Spiritual Women become Empowered High Priestesses by unleashing their inherent spiritual gifts, Create a Fulfilling, Impactful and Successful Business with Purpose, Passion and Fire!

It lifts me up when I see women in my priestesshood RISE into their divine feminine powers and that I had the honour to be their healer, teacher and catalyst.

I also know what it’s like to build a healing business from scratch.

I had to breakthrough a lot of limiting beliefs about money and let go of the stories in my head that feeds into the ‘not enoughness’, doubts and the opinions of my friends and family.

I spent years training with different healers, masters. Built a growing Youtube channel from 0 to 14k. Some years doubled and tripled my income. It was not easy at all, it takes discipline, hard work and FIRE like a dragon. It all started when I gave myself permission to THRIVE as an Empowered Priestess!

I experienced a RAPID ASCENSION that catapulted me to prosperity and opportunities beyond what I had imagined and manifested a profitable business.

There's room for all of us, each healer is different, it doesn't matter how many people are out there already, there is only ONE you!

My lightwork now brings in the abundance that I need to fund charity projects, the freedom to manage my own time and a respectable reputation that draws in referrals every week. It is my wish for you to experience your inherent powers exponentially and skyrocket your success too.

When a woman is empowered, she heals herself, her family, and the whole planet.

Being a Priestess of Light is a sacred path. This is not about grow fast and get rich, we welcome lightworkers who are dedicated and committed to their long term visions for the betterment of humanity.

Healers and Lightworkers ARE ABUNDANT, WORTHY, LOVED and so SUPPORTED!

Divine Woman, it is time to awaken your inherent power and to SHOW UP, STAND UP and SPEAK UP without apologies, excuses, shame, guilt or judgement.

Right now, deep within your heart, there is a yearning for more impact, income and magic from LIFE!

Something is calling you to be BOLDER than you know yourself to be and live with authentic passion and purpose.

You are ready to release suffering, struggle and stagnancy and step in to your Divine Feminine Power.

You are committed to live with purpose so you can wake up feeling fulfilled and radiate love and abundant!

It’s time for the divine feminine IN YOU to RISE, Priestess!

Every single cell in your body is asking you to FREE yourself from mental limitations and emotional pain from the past and commit to your soul purpose of being a women empowerment leader!

When one woman rises, she empowers all others around her.

So now the question is HOW?

How to do you shift from the limitations of your past to the possibility of your future?

The High Priestess Ascension® Academy Online Training and Certification Program was created specifically to equip you with the spiritual advancement, skillset mastery and business strategies to help you actualize your soul's mission.

After this Program, you will:

  • Sit down with your clients and give them potent healing sessions that alters their future because you know how to go deep to really help them get down to business.
  • Channel messages from their High Self that makes them go 'WOW that resonates so much! This session has helped me so much!'
  • Channel and integrate with the Goddess Archetypes - the Empress, the Priestess, the Lover, the Warrior, the Wild Woman and the Mother
  • Release emotional pain and mental limitations so you can show up as a High Priestess
  • Moving forward from doubts to deeply trusting in your spiritual, intuitive and empathic abilities

  • Ignite a new found level of love for yourself and inspire your loved ones
  • Learn powerful techniques to deeply heal and transform your emotional body and mental limitations through inner child work
  • Read, Activate and Purify Past Lives multidimensionally to deeply ACTIVATE your high priestess consciouness

  • Open your spiritual channels and third eye to communicate with your spirit guides with clarity
  • Channel Light Language and harness the power of your voice to heal people and yourself
  • Learn how to work with Light Codes, Light Weaving, Bioplasma
  • Offer Advanced Energy Healing to yourself and your loved ones
  • Learn how to Read Auras, Chakras and learn how to keep your energetic field light and healthy
  • Radical Self Love Sacred Rituals and Practices to elevate your energy level and uplift your vibration
  • Learn how to perform Shadow Work and Ego Transcendence to release mental and emotional blockages
  • Launch and grow your spiritual healing business with a sustainable income generating structure, you will learn to implement all my secrets and strategies of how I generate 5-10k months consistently.
  • Learn Conscious Content Creation for more views, reach and grow a big audience without posting like a mad woman everyday.
  • You will receive techniques and Fill-in TEMPLATES - such as my top selling sold out workshops, sales pages, social media posts. Save yourself a lot of time by knowing what to write for your posts, no more sitting and staring at a blank screen, get weeks of content done in a day. This alone is priceless and will give you a lot of headaches.
  • Learn how to sell offers with integrity and confidence like a true leader
  • Learn how to position yourself so that you can have flexibility, passive income and work from anywhere in the world

Let’s break down the 4 pillars of our High Priestess Ascension® Academy that will allow you to Build a Soul Purpose Aligned Business as a Master Healer within 6 months.

Pillar 1: Healing The Divine Child Within

What we do is we work with your higher self and spirit guides on healing emotional trauma and energetic blockages that your Inner Child is carrying, so you can open up your spiritual gifts and abilities

What most people do is they focus on the healing techniques but they don’t work on themselves at a deep level by facing their deepest fears

Which ultimately means a lot of times their sessions are not compelling or doesn’t reach their clients deep enough

So what we do instead is we focus loving and nurturing the healer - you.

Here at this academy, we focus on nourishing the healer, supporting the healer, because if the healer is supported, it is better for the clients that they serve now and in the future.

To work on yourself first - in an environment where you are understood, appreciated and valued. So you can show up for your clients with power that comes from within, this is the unshakable power of the priestess.

We do this first because if we do not …how can the healer heal other people if they haven’t done the deep work themselves? If we don't heal ourselves first, we might harm our clients by projecting our own negative or limiting beliefs on them.

So it is very important that I help you first with healing the wounded child, to develop your consciousness so that all aspects of yourself are onboard with your mission. By having confidence (foundation) in yourself then with getting clear on what is your healing and spiritual gifts and how to use them properly

Do you see why having a deep understanding of ourselves makes us more effective as a healer?

Pillar 2: Unleash your Priestess Power

We teach you all the foundational skills that you need to strengthen your skills as a healer. You will learn how to do past lives integration, readings with other people’s spirit guides, inner child healing, womb healing, soul retrieval, light language, light body activation, light codes, DNA activation and much more.

Now that you have the foundational skills, next is we will read into your Akashic Records to see what is your unique spiritual gifts as a healer, and we will also channel with your higher self to work with your healing spiritual guides that are here to assist you in your healing work.

We need to do this because each healer is unique, it’s important to have help where you can understand who you are as a healer. This gives you clarity, vision and a direction of focus while you are taking this priestess training.

Does that make sense? Do you see how getting clear on who you are as a healer is important to be successful?

Pillar 3: Income Generating Offers

After you have clarity on who you are as a healer, we will work on creating your booking system, courses and workshops to generate income as a healer.

A lot of people think having a spiritual business is a ‘let it flow’ type of experience. Which ultimately means there is no plan or structure in their business.

So what we do is we give you some templates of my sold out workshops, these workshops generate $450-1000 each workshop. I will also teach you how I hosted these workshops to build my reputation in the community, how to book in clients efficiently to save your time and maximize your success right away. I was able to build a client roster with 2 people per work day, and now I have a 2 year waitlist for private sessions. So you need resources, templates, structure and support to do that.

To generate income you have to position yourself as a leader in this industry, who is wholesome, conscious, encompassing and authentic. The leader of the pack is respected, the alpha pair in wolves, they lead by taking care of the pack. We will teach you how to position yourself as a healer that leads. This is when people have confidence to invest in healing with you, because you have embodied trust, safety and leadership.

Do you see why having these templates and learning the back end workflow of having a spiritual business as a healer is important?

Pillar 4: Conscious Content Creation

Now that you have a strong foundation as a healer, who is leading by the heart. Compelling Content creation is the next foundation that we will help you with.

Because spiritual healing is so multifaceted, it’s really important for us to learn how to express the value and power of our work on social media. For example, light body activation, well how do you convey the importance or value of this healing technique to people who don’t know what it is. We will help you learn how to speak about the power of light body activation so that your audience wants to book the session and experience it for themselves.

I have grown my own youtube channel to 14k subscribers, my own clients and students are also growing their channels as well, at an even faster rate because they are implementing my teachings. You will learn how to give your youtube videos high ranking, that means you want your videos to be within the 1-3 pages on youtube so it is visible to the people who are looking for you. You will also learn how to write your instagram posts, workshop descriptions, sales page and media biography using the Conscious content creation method.

So instead of feeling stumped not knowing what to write, you can just sit down, write out your posts or sales pages, hit publish and get it done within an hour or less.

Do you see why conscious content creation is important to attract clients?

How we support your success as a High Priestess

Life time Access to Self Paced Curriculum Lifetime access to self paced learning vault with over 250+ classes with topics ranging from advanced energy healing, womb healing, inner child work, DNA activations, akashic reading, light language, light codes, soul retrieval and much more. You will be well equipped as a healer to heal yourself, and others.

3x 60mins Private Sessions In your first session with me, I will tune into the Akashic Records and offer a Reading for you to get clarity on what gifts to activate and how to use them on your path as a priestess. The remaining 2 sessions can be more Readings, or Healing as your grow on your path as a priestess.

1 Year access to:

Group Practice Sessions There are weekly practice sessions. You can practice your healing and channeling skills such as light language, light codes, messages with guides with other students in the academy. It’s important to be in a container where you are celebrated, seen, understood, appreciated and valued. Where I can offer you guidance to improve your skills to the next level.

Timeline Healing Workshops and Ceremonies These are hosted 2 times every Month, where you will work on healing akashic and timeline blockages so that you can increase your spiritual and manifestation abilities as a Priestess.

The 144k Crystalline Temple of the Sacred Flames Weekly accountability checkins to keep you focused and moving on your goals. An opportunity to showcase your ability and serve in the Temple alongside Tiffany and the Master Healers she trained. Her mission is to ground down this temple in the physical form, and you will be part of this new earth timeline.

Business Mastermind Strategize and plan out your business goals for the month. Ask Tiffany any questions and for guidance for your business. We will give you the roadmap, guidance and support you need to build a 6 figure business.

Certification You will receive a certificate upon completing the practicum. This will give you more credibility and opportunities to work with me in my conferences or summits in the future. You will also have a listing spot on the official academy website.


  • A Timeline Healing Workshop every 2nd Saturday of the Month at 11am EST
  • A Healing Ceremony with Light Codes Teachings every 2nd Tuesday of the Month at 11am EST
  • Business Mastermind every first Tuesday of the month at 10:30am EST

Student Practice Sessions on

(I made these practice sessions so people from different time zone has an option to join. You don't need to come to all of them, if you can make 1-2 of them, that's already enough)

  • Every 2nd Monday of the Month at 11am EST
  • Every Last Tuesday of the Month at 7pm EST
  • Every first Wednesday of the month at 7:30am EST
  • Every 3rd Friday of the Month at 4pm EST
  • Every last Saturday of the month at 11am EST

I want to join, what is the onboarding process?

If you are an existing client or student ready to join, simply click on the 'Sign Up' button below. It will prompt you to create an account through Teachable, you will have access to the materials and I will be personally reaching out to help you get started.

Paypal, Wise are also accepted. Please contact me if you prefer these methods of payment.

For first time students or if you want to meet with me first before officially signing up, you can book a consultation here

Course Curriculum

  Reiki level 1 and 2 Training and Certification
Available in days
days after you enroll

Super Growth for these Students sharing what they learned from the High Priestess Academy

Zaneta RA become a Best Selling Amazon Seller with a huge audience after working with me:

'I have worked with Tiffany Tin for several years now and she is of the purest light. She is always very kind and professional while upholding the highest elevation of Spiritual Integrity, which is hard to find within all spiritual communities. It is because of this that I have always recommended her to all of my own clients as well as even placing her as a Spiritual Recommendation in my book Angelic Pearls 144. It is rare for another to be able to see the Seraphim when they are in my field, and she has been able to do this from the beginning. She truly has the pure Sapphire Blue Flame of Divine working through her. She may often have a waitlist, but this is just a testimony of how so many are guided to her beautiful Light Spark.'

You could keep watching youtube videos on your own to figure things out

But channelling and energy healing needs to be done properly and free resources are usually not enough (Would you go to a doctor or chiropractor if they told you they didn’t receive proper training and learn for free on youtube? I hope not!! We owe it to our clients to receive proper training

You could wait another year to start this path

But so many things happen in life, why wait another year if you can jumpstart now? I invite you to put yourself first, when you activate yourself, everything around you becomes better. Your kids are happier, your love life blossoms, your wounds turn into wisdom. The real question really is.. Isn’t it time to enter the final frontier :) the spiritual realm? (Yes this is a reference from StarTrek!) Just waiting for you to say *Engage!* and forward we go!

You could get a $7 dollar udemy course here and there…

But how confident will you really feel knowing that’s your foundation? We don’t know what we don’t know, invest in ourselves first, walk the talk, we can’t expect our clients to invest in us if we don’t even invest in ourselves. These introductory courses are great to get you started, or to test your interest in these topics, but if you are serious, be serious and committed. Take action as a priestess and the universe will respond to you.

Investing in your education, skills and training is one of the most important decisions of your growth, I have a genuine heart to help support you. Pick the right mentor, who has the same values as you do. If you have been seeing me on Youtube for years now, you can see that my students and viewers love my content, the way I teach, and that I truly care about the peopleI work with. You need these qualities when looking for a teacher whose intention is to help you grow and see you succeed.

Your Instructor

Tiffany Tin
Tiffany Tin

Hi, I'm Tiffany! I am a High Priestess, Master Teacher with 8 years of experience teaching all things channelling, such as light codes, light language, channelling with guides, akashic information, energy healing and much more. I am the founder of the New Earth Alchemists Academy, and High Priestess Ascension Academy with 850+ students from all over the world. I am a certified meditation, Kundalini and chakra facilitator, Reiki Master level teacher, certified completion process practitioner, Tao Divine Healing Hands Healer, Ayurvedic Lifestyle Consultant, Thai Yoga Massage therapist. I have 500k views and 14k+ subscribers on my youtube channel. I have been invited to teach in many well known events and podcasts such as Channeling Now, Wisdom from North, Soul Movement, Return of the Priestess, Woman Unleashed and much more.

Why work with Tiffany?

  • There are many healers in the world but not everyone has a genuine heart to help their students become as successful as they are. My wish is for my students to become more successful than me, thus I do not hold back information or knowledge that I have seen some teachers do to their students.
  • There are many people out there who knows how to heal, but might not know HOW to TEACH it. I am very blessed that I have the skills and the talent to teach and ACTIVATE students. I have years of experiences teaching and have proven positive results with clients and students. I'm often booked weeks ahead and have many returning clients who refers their friends and family.
  • I work very hard and all of my students can say that I give so much to them. Many have said that they chose me because of my genuine heart and truly care about them.
  • I'm not perfect and am always open to share my journey and mistakes so my students can learn from me. I like teachers who are authentic and I strive to do the same. I believe having good values and honour is very important as a high priestess.
  • The High Priestess Ascension Academy is an investment that's really really reasonable for what we offer. I have spent over $60k in my own learning, plus 7 years of running a spiritual business. If you visit my facebook page you can see that I have done hundreds of workshops, classes, in person and online. This academy was what I needed when I first started. To give you an idea of the value you are getting from the academy, Module 1 alone I had to pay $2k USD to learn, many students also tell me that the academy is worth 10k for what is available inside the school. If you want to build a business that generates $3-10k a month, investing $2k into your skills and training with ongoing support totally makes sense so you can have someone to ask questions, heal yourself and provide your clients with quality care.
  • I wanted to create a school and support network that offers both spiritual and business training because most of the time you only get one and not both. I had business coaches who had no understanding of my work, and thus could not support me the way I needed. In HPAA, you will work with me who is an experienced healer and have build her abundant business from good work ethics and being integral.

Frequently Asked Questions

When does the course start and finish?
The course starts when you enroll, you can get started on the self paced materials. You will receive a welcome email from Tiffany where you can book in the private sessions and join the group classes and practice sessions.
How long do I have access to the course?
You have life time access to the course materials. Full Duration of the group classes and practice sessions you signed up for (As long as the payment is fully honoured on your end). Private sessions are scheduled between Tiffany and the student.
Our Guarantee
We are a heart centered academy that cares about you and your success. We are NOT those sell-you-forget-you coaching programs (I've spent 100k in my own education, I have experience to know what makes a good program) Once you join, you have life time access to the course curriculum and group sessions. So not only will we help you start the engine of your business, we will continue to support you as your business grows.

If you want to become a yoga teacher, you have to receive training at a yoga school. To work with people's energy field is a highly attuned honour and practice, ensuring you receive a high quality and comprehensive training is important as a practitioner. Invest in your training, serve your clients well and get the support that you need as a skillful healer.

It's time to Unleash Your Inherent Priestess Powers, RISE as an Empowered Empress and Create a Thriving Meaningful Business with Success and Lifestyle Freedom in alignment with your Soul’s Mission!

Abundance is the natural state of your being, Divine Lightworker. It is a symptom of ascension, a result of you aligning to your soul’s purpose, claiming your inherent powers while implementing practical spirituality with and unique strategy and branding that speak to the souls of your beloved clients.

I ACTIVATE women and men who don’t want to work for someone’s else dream and are READY to invest in themselves and future.

You have done the work. You have taken countless of courses and workshops.

You have invested the time and energy and now you are ready to RECEIVE and SERVE at a higher level!

This is a choice point, Priestess.

Fill your day with work that drives you, motivates you, fulfills you and nourishes you on all levels.

When you make the decision to invest in yourself, your skills and your business. You MANIFEST epic transformations not only in your life, but globally.

The high priestess path is sacred, with responsibilities for self healing and awareness. It will uplift you, challenge you and ultimately fulfill you in many ways.

It will take your courage and trust and determination to progress towards your goal of becoming a healer. We would like to keep the environment light, positive and encouraging to each other.

Please feel free to take time to feel into this to make sure this is the right path for you, once I accept a student I give my 100% and hope that my student will honour that as well.

If this is the path you choose, you have my devotional support as your guide and mentor.

I know this is what your soul deeply desires. It’s time to do it!

I want to join, what is the onboarding process?

If you are an existing client or student ready to join, simply click on the 'Sign Up' button below. It will prompt you to create an account through Teachable, you will have access to the materials and I will be personally reaching out to help you get started.

Paypal, Wise are also accepted. Please contact me if you prefer these methods of payment.

For first time students or if you want to meet with me first before officially signing up, you can book a consultation here

Get started now!